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Three 'W's - who, what and why

Hi - I'm Mel.

This is my first ever blogger post.

I attended a talk from Jill Ball about "Beaut Blogs" -- As a first-timer to the 15th Australasian Congress on Genealogy and Heraldry in Sydney,  it was my first session on the first day.  Afterwards I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I have wanted to do a blog for a long time....  but with most things I say to myself - "I'll do it later" - then get too busy, convince myself it will be too hard, or just forget...

This time I said to myself "Mel - JUST DO IT "

Well, I have to admit -- first time, I just couldn't get it to work out the way I wanted (using free Wordpress), so after some advice from Jill, I tried with free Blogger instead.  Jill suggested using WikiHow to guide me.

So I'm not saying that I have a "Beaut Blog" (yet) but now I've started a blog and I think that I can build on this...  more things to try from the Congress coming up soon.


  1. You’ll love it, Mel, especially when you start exploring the widgets and making connections with other Genea-tragics like most f us here.

  2. Looking forward to reading your posts.

  3. Well done! Welcome to the world/family of blogging.


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